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Diving in Bunaken

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

bunaken beach
Bunaken Island located in northern Sulawesi. This island has a famous national park in the world. Area have more than 75,000 acres, this island has been named as one of the best diving destinations in the world. The award was not excessive because the Bunaken Marine Park is surrounded by five islands, including the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Siladen Island, Island Mantehage follows several children of the island, as well as Naen Island.

In this area there are 29 point dive was fantastic. Diving in Bunaken is one of the journey and will be a special experience. There you will could feel the sensation of diving in a location that is rich in charm sloping reef. Fish nemo (clown fish), fish school, as well as the entourage of colorful fish will greet you when you dive. Occasionally you will meet with a turtle who supposedly lived nearly 100 years, manta rays (manta, sting and eagle rays), snappers, groupers, Baracuda, Napoleon wrasse, angel fish, blow fish, blue ribbon eels, lobster, until the sharks.

Underwater at bunaken

To obtain all the charm it, you can simply fly to Manado to Bunaken Island and then proceed for 40 minutes by motor boat. So, what are you waiting? Make Bunaken as your holiday destination.

People Diving at Bunaken

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