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Beautifull Pari Island

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pari Island is one island in the Thousand Islands. Not many people know but the island can serve as an alternative place for a tour of nature. Initially, I was also confused by the name of this one island, "Pari? Island tuh hell? It is located where? Confused."

Without thinking, I immediately asked "Google". The word "Google" Pari Island is more fun and quiet than Tidung (Okay, then, than do not go everywhere). Finally I decided to go to Pari island(28-20/12/2011) for 3 days 2 nights ..

Amount spent during the stay on the Island Stingray only Rp440.000, 00 per person and got two houses you know. One house there are three rooms, the bed a lot, can food, bicycles, snorkeling, and the cost of transport from Muara Angke. Apart from Muara Angke can also from Ancol or Tangerang. I just do not know his schedule. If the boat from Ancol wear and the cost per person Rp300.000, 00 each way. "Yes, it's pretty expensive."

Pari Island harbour

When the ship pretty sick, so do not forget to take anti-nausea drugs. Once in Pari us directly for a walk. Really quiet island, this island is also the LIPI research. We cycled around Pari Island, and apparently not for Tidung. There end of the island not seen, strange really.

In addition, there is close to other small islands can be deh streets despite only taking a boat. Besides biking I also ride a boat (rowing alone know). Rp30.000 priced per boat, maximum 00 and only 5 people. Well, there are also stalls and sellers pulses.

Diving at pari island

Enjoying the beauty of the island's most fun by drinking coconut water, coconut prices there around 0.00-Rp8 Rp7.000 .000,00. There are also fried anyway, and the price is Rp 1,000, 00 per-fries and rice uduk Rp4.000, 00. It can be fried together tofu, tempeh, and soy sauce.

But, if busy to be more frugal. If you want to rent a home for 15 people is actually enough, could even be cheaper. Anyway this one island can be one of the recomanded for your holiday.

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