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gadang hours in Bukittinggi

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, you can see the tall tower with a clock at the top. Yes, this is the Clock Tower, landmark of Bukittinggi.

Clock Tower is a tower that rises majestically, roofed 'bagonjong' distinctive Minangkabau. This clock is in the center of Bukittinggi. Clock Tower is a symbol of the city of Bukittinggi and one of the main attractions of this city.

Clock Tower is built on a hill called the Mount Enclosure Buffalo at the time of the Dutch Government in 1827 by Contraleur (City Secretary) Rook Maker. If you watch the hour, you see a uniqueness. Number 4 which is usually in writing with the IV, in the Clock Tower written using Roman numerals old-fashioned, IIII.

Anyone who came there certainly will never feel bored. This is because the spectator who served around the clock is very charming. There is a Mountain Twin Cities United Kingdom and sights can all be viewed from here. The important thing is, Bukittinggi has become a shopping center for tourists.

You can shop there a variety of purposes. Ranging from groceries to souvenirs. Various rice Kapau typical West Sumatra also you can enjoy. Fashion exists, there are also culinary. Really a complete tour!

So, do not claim to have been to West Sumatra that have not come to Bukittinggi.

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